“Gardaí to Patrol Paris Olympics”

With the forthcoming Olympic Games in France this summer, Irish sports enthusiasts visiting the country can expect an unorthodox sight in Paris – up to 56 Garda officers patrolling the city. Helen McEntee, the Justice Minister, has successfully obtained approval from the Cabinet to send these officers to work during the tourist-riddled season.

The Gardaí will provide support to Irish travellers during the brief durations of both the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Despite being a departure from tradition, these miniature deployments have now become a routine practice. The recognisable uniforms of the Gardaí will be specifically targeted to ensure the welfare of Irish holiday-goers, with French police at their side for help and companionship.

It is believed from past incidents, similar operations have generated remarkably positive outcomes. Initial conjecture of this deployment first occurred in the previous May, but it was not until now, that confirmation has been made. This move comes in the wake of media speculation suggesting that An Garda Síochána officers were to be designated for patrols of Disneyland Paris and the Rugby World Cup.

In the last summer, a handful of Gardaí were appointed to partner with French police and offer their assistance to Irish tourists in several frequented summer hotspots.
