“Gardaí Seize €500,000 Drugs in Cork”

Four individuals are currently under investigation by the police in Cork following separate operations conducted in both urban and rural areas, during which narcotics worth more than half a million euros were seized. The Drugs Unit of the Cork County Division conducted a search operation in a dwelling around the Carrigtwohill region in East Cork last Friday, discovering contraband valued at approximately €260,000.

Cannabis, estimated to be worth €140,000 on the street, and cocaine believed to be around €120,000 in value were seized by investigators. Three family members – a man in his early fifties, a woman in her early 40s and a teenager of 19 – were taken into custody for questioning regarding the narcotics.

The male guest was transported to Midleton police station, while the woman and the teenager were directed to Cobh’s police station. All three were held under the provision of Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act of 1996, a regulatory directive that gives the police authority to detain suspects for a maximum duration of seven days.

In a different operation, the Cork City Divisional Drugs squad confiscated roughly 12 kilograms of cannabis, having a street value of €240,000. The investigators discovered the narcotics while conducting a search in a residential facility in Mahon, located on the southern edge of Cork. A suspect, in his 20’s was arrested and is presently being held at the Bridewell police station for inquiry.
