Gardaí Probes Instagram Threats to Taoiseach

The Gardaí are currently probing into threats posed to Prime Minister Simon Harris and his kin via social media over the weekend. The threatening post was observed on Instagram on a public profile and was kept visible for numerous days. Whether the post has been deleted remains uncertain as the profile has since been changed to private mode, hence accessible only to followers.

As soon as the offensive post was published, the Gardaí picked up on it and informed the office of the Prime Minister. The Gardaí found the threats unusually alarming as they referred to both Mr Harris and his family, even alluding to weapons and severe violence.

The Garda Headquarters, upon acknowledging the post, stated that an investigation is underway. Answering to inquiries, it commented briefly, “We’re now investigating the matter.” The spokesperson for Mr Harris mentioned that his office prefers not to provide comments specific to the Prime Minister’s security.

Mr Harris later released a statement and expressed a desire to outline “some trends we’ve noticed.” Mr Harris stated, “Online individuals are as answerable to the law as those offline. There should be no shelter for those planning to convey threats, assault, or endanger individuals or inspire others to perpetrate such acts.”

Mr Harris lamented that politicians were regularly under threat, cautioning that this was dangerously close to being deemed tolerable or part of their job description. Mr Harris stated emphatically, “This is not acceptable. Every single day, I rise and work as diligently as possible. The same applies to almost all politicians, irrespective of political affiliation. The relentless attempts to attack, degrade, or dehumanise us must not ever be treated as normal, must never be normalised, and must always be highlighted.”

“I will not be discouraged from performing my political duties as Prime Minister,” he concluded.

Ireland has transitioned from a realm of emigrants to a society accommodating both immigrants and emigrants. Every day, the men and women of An Garda Síochana honour us with their service, to whom I express my deep gratitude. The kindness and decency of people throughout the nation greatly impacts myself and my family.

In an effort to identify a particular user, the Gardaí now need to cooperate with Instagram. Last month saw a phony bomb threat made to the Samaritans, alleging that a bomb had been planted at Mr Harris’s residence in Greystones, Co Wicklow. Despite being a false alarm, the Gardaí inspected the premises while the Taoiseach’s wife and young offspring were inside.

This incident was preceded by several episodes earlier this year, where groups of disguised men held protests against migrants and the Covid vaccine outside the Harris family’s dwelling. In May, when Mr Harris’s residence was targeted, he voiced his belief that personal homes should be considered a no-go area for demonstrators as such assemblies could be distressing and intimidating.

In relation to those protests, three individuals were subsequently apprehended and discharged without any charges. The inquiry into these events is still in progress.
