Gardaí Probes Accomplice in Widow’s Murder

Police in Ireland are investigating the possibility that the killer of an elderly widow in County Tipperary may have been aided by a partner. They are looking into whether this accomplice helped the murderer gain access to the woman’s home and facilitate a getaway after the crime.
Investigators speculate that the victim, 89-year-old Josie Ray could have been murdered by someone acquainted to her. Her body was discovered in a bedroom at her terraced residence in St Joseph’s Park, Nenagh, by a relative on Sunday. Given there wasn’t any evidence of forced entry, detectives are following a strong lead in the murder of the elderly woman, who was a mother to five.
It’s believed that Ray was suffocated by her murderer somewhere between 8pm on Saturday, when she was last seen, and Sunday midday. One of the initial steps taken by police in this investigation was to isolate individuals within the community with a record of violent attacks, then work to trace their movements and locations in the period when Ray might have been killed.
Now, police are exploring the possibility that Ray’s murderer might have been facilitated by an acquaintance during this timeframe to gain access to her house and possibly help the killer mask their crime and escape following the murder.
Authorities have stated that the forensic study of the house, as well as several other objects removed from the crime scene by officers from the Garda National Technical Bureau in Dublin, will be essential in helping to identify the individual responsible for killing Ray, a grandmother and great-grandmother.
Earlier this week, door-to-door interviews were initiated to find out if anyone was seen near the house or visiting over the weekend, and the time of such visits. There are also efforts to gather CCTV footage from the entrances of the neighbourhood to establish who might have been in the vicinity.

Personnel from Gardaí have established an incident hub at the Nenagh Garda station, calling upon witnesses to come up with any relevant information. They are specifically looking for individuals who were present in Nenagh’s St Joseph’s Park area from 8pm on Saturday, the 3rd of August, to midday on Sunday, the 4th of August. They are also on the hunt for any dashcam and other video footage from that area.

Four daughters are left as the surviving family members of the late Ms Ray. Her funeral service will take place on Friday at 11am at St Mary of the Rosary Church in Nenagh. Post the church proceedings, she will be buried in the Killodiernan Cemetery, a location close to Carney, her childhood village.

Fondly known as “the Carney Blonde”, Ms Ray left a mark in Nenagh not only due to her striking appearance and extravagant fashion taste but also her passion for music and dance.

Seamus Morris, the local independent representative on the Tipperary County Council, expressed his sorrow over Ms Ray’s untimely demise in her own residence, where she had spent numerous years of her life. Her heart-wrenching murder has left Nenagh shaken.

He noted that Joan’s harmless personality was terrifying and added that if everyone on earth possessed the kindness that Joan did, our world would be a much pleasant place. He said, “People are just frightened especially because Joan was a harmless individual – I can affirm that if the entire world were like Joan, it would indeed be a heavenly place, she was just that sort of person.”
