Mandatory seven-day quarantine for people arriving in France from the UK

While France sets new restrictions for British tourists, NHS reports an increase in consultations with GPs after last year's drop.

As other European countries already did, France announced new restrictions for travellers entering the country from the UK. Anyone arriving in France from the UK, in fact, will have to quarantine.

Those coming from the UK after May 31 will have to quarantine for seven days. The French Government took this decision in order to stop the expansion of the Indian Covid variant, which is spreading also in the UK. On the other side, France is still on the UK’s amber list. This means that, anyone arriving in the UK from France has to quarantine for ten days and test negative twice.

In the meantime, recent NHS data show that an increasing number of people is going to its GP again. This could suggest a gradual return to normal, as the number of consultations with GPs has significantly dropped over the last year. Due to lockdowns, the overall number of people seeking help from GPs decreased by 10 per cent, leading to 31 million fewer consultations.
