Ford: kinetic design evolution at the Detroit show

I feel like we’re in a twilight world for the automobile industry at the moment, with talk of the US government needing to bail-out the flailing US car industry, and yet the Detroit motor show will go on, with some interesting innovations.
Ford is set to present its new kinetic design at the next show, according to an interview with design director J.

Mays and Automotive News.
The new kinetic is set to hail the next generation global style at Ford, with some sweetened aspects from the Iosis concept car creating an elegant and less complex look.
Still under wraps is which car will be the first to reveal this new design, though word has it that it could be the 2010 Ford Taurus.
Whatever the case, we’re still a year away from production at the moment.
In the gallery, the Iosis concept.

Written by Unit

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