Ford Fusion Hybrid runs 2,326.6 km on a single fuel tank

Diesel cars are well known for its low fuel consumption and high mileage, but hybrid cars are also trying to become popular based on the same criteria.
At least one of them has managed to prove that.
Ford Fusion Hybrid, which is completely different from the Ford Fusion that is sold in Europe, has been driven non-stop for 69 hour on a single fuel tank and has gone as far as 2,326.

6 km.
Considering the car’s fuel tank is 64.
4 l, that corresponds to a fuel consumption of 36.
1 km/l.
The marathon has started last Saturday in Mount Vernon, Virginia, and ended yesterday, in Washington, D.
The goal was to reach 1,000 miles (1,609.
34 km), what was achieved 47 hours after the run started.
Since there was a reasonable quantity of petrol in the fuel tank, the team, that counted on Carl Edwards, from NASCAR, and the world champion in driving with low fuel consumption, Wayne Gerdes, as well as Ford engineers, decided to continue driving the car.
That has resulted in a world record for petrol-powered midsize sedans.
It makes us wonder: how far would it go if it was a diesel hybrid? We’ll probably know very soon.

Source: FordFord Fusion Hybrid

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