Florence celebrates IV centennial of Caravaggio’s death

After Rome, another Italian city, Florence, will celebrate the 400th anniversary of Caravaggio ‘s death with an interesting exhibition called Caravaggio e Caravaggeschi The exhibition, which will take place at the famous Palazzo Pitti and Uffizi Gallery from 22 May to 17 October, features more than 100 paintings and a series of documents (with new attributions) that will cause a stir in the art world!The Grand Dukes of Tuscany were all great art collectors and bought several Caravaggio’s paintings, including The Bacchus and the Medusa; moreover the presence of important artists – in the city such as Artemisia Gentileschi, Battistello Caracciolo and Theodoor Rombouts, and the direct dealings with artists like Gerrit Honthorst, Bartolomeo Manfredi and Jusepe Ribera gave rise to an intense Caravaggesque “season” which left an extraordinary number of paintings at the court and in the city that after Rome still today boasts the largest collection of Caravaggesque paintings in the world (source: Un anno d’arte)!

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