Five tips on how to appeal to women

1. Personal hygiene
© Birgit Reitz-Hofmann (Fotolia) Sauber machen
© Birgit Reitz-Hofmann (Fotolia)

This is the first step to the art of seduction. It deals with taking care of your personal hygiene without which you will not be able to attract or retain the interests of any girls at all.
2. Go shopping
© Lsantilli (Fotolia) cucire bottone camicia
© Lsantilli (Fotolia)

Women look for men who are well-dressed, therefore you should look for colours that suit you and make you look smart but casual at the same time. A woman wants to date a man who dresses well and who has a great smell. You can buy nice smelling colognes on the High Street and your local shopping centre. Look for the type of smell which suits you and ask female friends and family what colognes they like on a man.
3. Where to go?
© WikiMedia (Wikimedia) Entrance to a karaoke nightclub. Source I created this work entirel
© WikiMedia (Wikimedia)

You need to know where your target women hang out. It is best to find a place where you will find yourself most comfortable, for example pubs, nightclubs, cinemas etc. Being in your comfort zone will make it easy to find a girl and you will naturally come to know how to talk to women.
4. Practice
© Sergii Shalimov (Fotolia) portrait of a beautiful young couple kissing and hugging
© Sergii Shalimov (Fotolia)

If you are going to draw the attention of the opposite sex, you should try your hand at approaching a woman and try to seduce her. It is important that you always leave the conversation before it dies down or make an excuse to leave and the woman will remember you. If you do not make it short and simple, you will become boring and they will stop conversing and they will be disappointed.
5. Now you are ready
© Anton Gvozdikov (Fotolia) Teen couple date
© Anton Gvozdikov (Fotolia)

Once you have learned and carried out all of the steps, you are ready to ask a girl on a date. You can also ask women online to date you as well.

By now, you should be comfortable with talking to girls and be able to control the conversation as you know how to approach them and start asking them for dates.

Remember to keep it short and cool and ask the girl out for a drink or to go for a meal or to cinemas. Do not worry about rejections as they will only make you stronger – practice makes perfect.

The rejections may be due to personal reasons that may have nothing to do with you.

Good luck!

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