Five great things to keep in your lift top coffee table

© Torley (Flickr) .:NsB:. Coffee table WAEL vendor
© Torley (Flickr)
Serious Items to keep in your lift top coffee table
A first aid kit

While not a fun item, the first great thing to keep in your lift top table is a small first aid kit. Keeping a small emergency kit with bandages and antibiotic cream close at hand is convenient. When you have a small injury, having the emergency kit close by means you do not have to run to the medicine cabinet to treat the wound.

Facial tissues

Does dust make you sneeze? If it does, you probably do not want dusty tissues. The second not-so-fun, but useful item to keep under your tabletop, is a small box or package of facial tissues. Keeping tissues under the table top keeps dust out of the box.
Funny items to keep in your adjustable height coffee table
Small gifts

Do you like surprising loved ones with special gifts? For a third great under-the-tabletop item, how about a special gift for a loved one. Anything with small dimensions can fill the bill. Jewelery, candy, and favorite scents all make nice surprise gifts.

Entertainment items

Do you watch a lot of television or read a lot? Entertainment items are the fourth category of things you can hide under your table top. Just lift the lid, place short plastic containers inside of the table to separate your items, and organise your entertainment area by placing remote controls, drink coasters, magasines, and books inside of your table top.

A treat fro yourself

Are you feeling like you need to be pampered after treating everyone else? The fifth great thing to put inside of your table top is a special treat for yourself. Put your favourite snack, your favourite foot massage lotion, or anything which is especially important to you, under the table top. Then, when you are ready to treat yourself, your favourite things will be close at hand.

Final note

Using your lift top coffee table to organise and hide your belongings is a great way to get the most out of your living space.


Organisation makes sense
