FIM Promotes Female Riders (w/video)

Take the FIM Speed World Record Holder Leslie Porterfield, Livia Lancelot the FIM’s Women’s Motocross World Championand Laia Sanz, FIM’s Women’s Trial World Champion put them on a video called “Women Ride”as role models to encourage more women to take to two wheels.
It was about time that the FIM decided to promote female riding considering the rising number of women that are taking to motorcycles, but unfortunately in Italy, the FMI (Italian Motorcycling Federation) is going in the opposite direction and female racers are up in arms against the FMI.

The Federation has unilaterally decided the Women’s 2010 GP Championship will consist of one single race and the title assigned on the basis of that one race.
It looks like big league doesn’t know what little league is doing … wrong.
