Fiat apologises to China for Lancia Delta, Richard Gere and Tibetan child monks advertisement

For unclear reasons, China has had a little spat at Fiat Group regarding its advertisement of the new Lancia Delta.
The advertisement shows Richard Gere driving a Lancia Delta, and features child Tibetan monks with the slogan “The power to be different”.
Fiat Group is now apologising to the China Republic, while stating that the advertisement was never intended to be a political or emotional statement about Tibetan monks or China-Tibet relations.

We can believe it – Fiat is, after all, in the business of selling cars, not making political adverts.
But to protect those very sales which may one day possibly see the Lancia Delta in the Chinese market, Fiat Group has been prudent and is extending an apology.
We’re only left wondering what Richard Gere and Tibetan child monks have to do with the Lancia Delta anyway.
At the least, Fiat can always take the view that any publicity…
