Fiat Analyst Day – future Alfa Romeo models

Fiat is having its Analyst Day at the Lingotto in Turin.
Antonio Baravalle, brand manager of Alfa Romeo, did a presentation (pdf), which had some interesting information about new models, besides the slow but sure take-up in sales at Alfa and the climb upmarket from the 156 to the 159.
There are also some sketches of upcoming models (Junior, crossover and 169 below the fold).

The model most eagerly awaited by young buyers is the Junior, which is finally confirmed by an official roadmap.
The Junior is a small three-door hatchback, probably based on the Grande Punto, a little bit less than 4 meters long, which will be on the market starting from Q2 2008, with a starting price of 16,000 €.
Next is the future C-Segment hatchback, the 149.
Sadly its debut has been postponed to Q1 2009.
Another novelty is the official entry in the roadmap of the Alfa Crossover, expected by Q1 2010, a sporty 5 door “SUV-coupè”, about 4.
6 meters long with prices going from 28,000 to 45,000 €.
Finally, news on the Alfa Romeo flagship, the 169, which should be on the market by the second quarter of 2009 and which should spearhead the Alfa Romeo return to the United States.

More than 4.
9 meters long, with front engine and rear wheel drive with a transaxle transmission.
Prices between 40,000 and 55,000 €.
