Feeling Tired All The Time? Here Are Some Natural Remedies

There are several natural remedies that can give more energy, both physical and mental. Among them are the foods we bring to the table. Nutritious, low in fat and calories, they stimulate the metabolism, improve the mood and recharge the batteries. Rice, red fruit, honey and chocolate are only some of these.

After the holidays it is easy feeling tired and experience symptoms such as sleep disorders, lack of energy, malaise. The causes, however, are not only psychological but also physiological. On holiday the level of stress is lowered, the organs that manage it rest, and when you return to the daily routine they do not react immediately. In short, the organism needs a few days to become efficient again.

Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that can give more energy, both physical and mental. Among them are the foods we bring to the table. Nutritious, low in fat and calories, they stimulate the metabolism, improve the mood and recharge the batteries. Let’s see what they are and how to incorporate them into our daily diet.

Useful Food When Feeling Tired

In general, some foods are very useful for quickly regaining energy. These include brown, red or venus rice. Rich in magnesium, it has a detoxifying and energizing effect. Walnuts and olives, on the other hand, are perfect as mid-morning snacks. Red fruits, invigorating, can also be eaten as jam, especially at breakfast. Finally, black pepper also helps in case of inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Blackthorn syrup is recommended at times when energy is most needed. 3 tablespoons a day, dissolved in water or an herbal tea will do the job. Rosehip jam is rich in vitamin C and antioxidant, while royal jelly has a restorative action. Kefir, a drink made from fermented milk, is also great. It contains probiotics, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Stop Feeling Tired with a Good Breakfast

At breakfast, treat yourself to a cup of green tea, rich in antioxidants. If you like it, add a pinch of cinnamon, which gives energy for its magnesium content and is also a natural disinfectant, also useful for urinary tract inflammation. Another good idea is to eat some bitter chocolate, also rich in magnesium and antioxidants. An early morning piece of chocolate is ideal.

One last piece of advice is to take a tablespoon of honey every morning when you wake up. Rich in amino acids and mineral salts, with energizing and immunostimulating properties, it is recommended for periods of tiredness and exhaustion.

Lunch and Dinner

Try one-course meals sometimes. For lunch, eat whole grains such as spelt and bulgur, to season with vegetables or legumes. Avocado is also perfect, as its Omega 3 content helps to lower cholesterol: try it on egg toast, for example.

At dinner, as a protein component, prefer fish, at least 3 times a week. An example is salmon trout with poppy seeds, rich in vitamins and minerals. Complete your meal with vegetables and bread, better than spelt or rye, richer in fiber.
