Federico Fellini’s library on show at the Fellini museum in Rimini

“If you read, you’re never alone”, was a favourite thing of Italy’s famous director, Federico Fellini.
And now Rimini, his birthplace, is dedicating an exhibition to him, called “books from my house”.
The exhibition of Federico Fellini’s library will continue until April 13, 2009, Easter Monday.
More than two thousand volumes are on display, coming from his Roman house in via Margutta, and his study on Corso Italia.

The choice of the books follows a thematic approach of collecting the books under the narrative figures of the director, including the circus, ships etc.
With such a large range it is incredible to see what a curious mind Fellini had.
There are books on everything from psychoanalysis, to art and comics, and especially narrative, that shows an endless inquisitiveness that breaks the mould.
The Fellini museum is open every day except Mondays from 4:30 pm to 7:30pm.
On Saturdays and Sundays it is also open from 10am to midday.
Entrance is free and guided tours and group visits can be booked.

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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