FC Inter Milan: Materazzi antics and psycho-drama in Milan

Despite all the banners, flags, scarves and placards, nothing could save FC Inter Milan from throwing away their possible victory of the 2008 “scudetto”.
Yesterday’s game was set to be an easy win for Inter over Siena and the moment when the championship was sealed.
Instead, Inter left itself on its home ground with a 2-2 draw, leaving Roma in second place on the ladder, within a mere point’s difference of Inter who has been leading all season.

The coming weekend is the last round for the season and Inter will have to win against Parma to grab itself the title or it all goes to Roma.
It would be yet another disappointing finish for the blue and black side, who often in the past has choked in the final rounds of the competition.
This is turning into a real psychodrama for Inter fans and the city of Milan is tense – after Sunday’s game the players’ coach was barraged by stones, not from the opposition but loyal Inter fans by now beyond disappointed at their team’s performance.

Above we show an example of how to really show your allegiance – nothing is spared in Italy when it comes to soccer pride.
Below are two videos – the first a hilarious take of some of Materazzi’s usual antics during a soccer match.
Not only was his penalty kick to win the game batted away by the keeper, another shot on goal for Inter found itself impeded by Materazzi.
He was at the moment, not only offside, but also on the ground, right in front of the goal and the ball hit him squarely in the bum.
Funny if you’re not an Inter fan, not so funny for the coach who, if you can lip-read Italian, said something along the lines of “what the f**k are you doing there?!” (Materazzi plays in defense, generally).
