Families can travel to seaside or make day trips thanks to new Covid freedoms

Families can now travel to the seaside to enjoy the mini-heatwave that has hit the UK. It's also OK to make day trips in the countryside.

The Government confirmed that families from all over England can travel to the seaside to enjoy the mini-heatwave that has hit the UK. The Government also said that is OK to make day trips to cycle or walk in the countryside. Moreover, there isn’t a maximum distance that can be travelled to be reunited with friends or family. The only thing to do is not staying overnight away from home and obey social distancing rules.

Families can now travel to seaside, but with certain precautions

With temperatures set to reach 23 degrees Tuesday, March 30th and Wednesday, March 31st, millions of people are planning to leave cities in order to reach either seaside or countryside. But an official Government spokesperson reminded that many restrictions remain in place. Institutions asked people to act responsibly and cautiously and minimise unecessary travel where possible.

Authorities recommened people to buy food and petrol locally before they set off, in order not to mingle with people from different areas. Furthermore, they should avoid travel at peak times, where possible. This means visiting attractions closer to home. Moreover, people must not stay away from home overnight, unless it’s really necessary.

New rules also allowed groups of up to six, or two households, to socialise in parks and gardens. Outdoor sports facilities, such as football pitches, tennis courts and outdoor swimming pools can reopen, after months of closure. Organised team sports can also resume outdoors, meaning competitions can now take place.

Boris Johnson’s latest statement about Covid-19

Boris Johnson said that people must remain cautious, with cases rising across Europe and the arrival of new variants. Everyone must continue to stick to the rules and come forward for the vaccine when called.

Restrictions were eased because more than 30 million people in the UK have received a first vaccine dose, which is about 57 per cent of all adults.

Mr Johnson also encouraged people to return to outdoor physical activity. For this very reason a new slogan was unveiled: “Hands, Face, Space and Fresh Air.” Moreover, an information campaign warns against the dangers of gathering indoors. Authorities have also advised that, when meeting others, do this outdoors an with a safe distance. Outdoor spaces are always safer than indoors.

The roadmap to easing the lockdown across the UK

In Wales, the “stay local” order ended on Saturday, March 27th. From that day on, people can stay in self-contained holiday accommodation. On the other end, the stay home order in Scotland is to end on Friday, April 2nd. In Northern Ireland up to six people, or two households, will be able to meet outdoors from Thursday, April 1st.

It is the second major easing of England’s lockdown started in January, after the reopening of schools on March 8th.

While greater outdoor freedoms are now permitted, the Government is still advising people to work from home where possible and minimise the number of journeys they take. The next step in the roadmap to easing England’s lockdown is April 12th. That day, non-essential shops, such as pubs and restaurants, will reopen.
