Exposing Putin’s Deception

Dear Editor,
It appears that global dignitaries are living in fear of the intimidation laid down by Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, who promises to intensify the ongoing conflict, in the event of increased assistance to Ukraine.

Instead of regarding Mr Putin as a head of an independent nation, I suggest we view him as a playground tormentor. Much like a typical tormentor in the schoolyard selects the one he perceives as the most vulnerable, Mr Putin is doing the same with Ukraine. If he is not confronted, such behaviour will only persist. Yet, if he is countered, he is likely to retreat.

Mr Putin obstinately puts the West’s eagerness to aid Ukraine at risk by menacing further escalation of the war. I believe this threat is nothing but an empty one.

When he intruded on Ukraine two years prior, he assumed he could get away with it, owing to the response, or lack thereof, to his previous intrusion into Crimea. He believed his intrusions would yield results in a manner of a few days, but it turned out he was mistaken.

I propose we bluff Mr Putin and grant Ukraine all they have requested, which includes the inclusion of long-range weapons to aim at Russia’s crucial infrastructure.

Brendan Murphy,
County Dublin.
