“Exploring the Rise in School Phobia”

Ever since March 2021, when Irish educational institutions reopened and youngsters returned to schooling, almost three years have now elapsed. The previous year had seen children’s learning settings abruptly disrupted; however, in the subsequent months, youngsters and teenagers who were housebound attending their classes via Zoom had to adjust back to a bustling classroom setting. The majority found this a welcome change, although for a minor yet meaningful group, re-joining school wasn’t a desired or feasible option.

Three years down the line, increasing school absences have become a significant worry for headteachers and staff nationwide, with a notable rise in school refusal and school-anxiety. The child and family agency, Tusla, has stated that unaccounted school absences have soared four-fold, leading to concerns that numerous youths are missing out on their educations.

In the severest instances, major health complications come to the fore. Yet, there is an array of different factors why other children refuse to leave their homes for school in the morning.

Kerry Grantham narrates the experience of her son, James, a once cheerful child who developed a fear shortly after commencing secondary school in 2021.

The narrative is brought to you by Sorcha Pollak and produced by Suzanne Brennan.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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