Exploring the Italian alps and its treasures

With trees in full bloom and everything out in green, lots of us feel like taking a plunge into nature.
So if you want to be part of the joy that every year spring brings along, you will be glad to know that not far from Biella there ‘s the Oasi Zegna.

a true corner of Paradise which for the month of May offers a rather interesting programme which includes expeditions in search of rare herbs and flowers, cuisine lessons and food tastings.
On 23 – 24 May , the agriturismo Oro di Berta will also organise a series of events such as Plant for the planet, Dall’orto alla cucina passando per la tavola and Trivero in Fiore.
People will have the opportunity to take part in a guided excursion to Alta Valsessera during which a biologist from the University of Turin who will answer all your questions about mother nature’s little secretes.
