Explore Nature and Do Yourself Good with Climbing

From a niche sport, to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Climbing in recent years has experienced a golden age becoming almost a topic trend not only in the sports world, but also in lifestyle. This is because climbing is much more than just a discipline. In fact, it changes lives, creates communities, connections and relationships as it is suitable for everyone.

Why You Should Start Climbing

Starting to climb is always a good idea. In technical terms, we can consider it a full body training, as it requires dexterity, physical effort and practically all the major muscle groups of the human body are involved. To give you an idea, with an hour of climbing you can burn up to 700 calories.

At first glance, you might think that this is just a strength sport. Obviously that is necessary and constant training leads to the firming of all muscle compartments. In addition, all the efforts are isometric and isotonic, i.e. they allow to maintain a position on the wall with all the muscles in tension. Even hands and feet are subject to continuous and demanding stresses. Anyway, power alone is not enough. In fact, great coordination and fluidity of movement are also essential.

The most important benefit of all, however, does not concern the body, but the mind. Climbing makes you happy. Why? This activity is not only adrenaline-pumping, but above all it is serotoninic. This means that it makes you feel good and gives you satisfaction.

Climbing, in fact, means setting goals and striving to achieve them. We often underestimate this practice in our recipe for happiness, but without this it is difficult to realize our own progress. Setting goals, in fact, helps to develop a sense of self-awareness that allows us to put our limits and strengths on the scale. The result is an improvement in self-esteem, but also greater perseverance in sport as well as in life.

How to Start

If you want to start climbing, you only have to keep in mind one rule: don’t improvise. Moving with your hands and feet on the rock is something that brings us back to when we were children and wanted to explore everything. It may seem like an instinctive gesture, but it has strong rules, especially when it comes to equipment and safety procedures.

  • Indoor is better. At least at the beginning, practice in a gym equipped for climbing, so you can learn all the basic movements;
  • Ask for help. In this sport, unity is strength. Always have an instructor or a companion at your side;
  • Don’t be in a hurry. Patience is essential when climbing. Learn to do the simplest things first, and only when they are automatic, gradually move on to more demanding climbs.