Everton’s Second Premier League Points Deduction

Everton Football Club has received an additional two-point penalty for infringing the Premier League’s Profit and Sustainability Rules (PSR). This current season, Everton faced a six-point penalty related to violations of the PSR for the audit duration reaching up to the 2021-22 season. Now, Everton has been slapped with another penalty for the three-year period ending in the 2022-23 season, pushing them down to the 16th position, just two points away from the relegation zone.

In its statement, the Premier League revealed, “Everton FC has been immediately deducted two points by an independent commission due to violating the Premier League’s profitability and sustainability rules for the season ending 2022/23. In a hearing that spanned three days in the previous month, the independent commission took into consideration arguments and evidence provided by the club, regarding a range of potential softening factors for its confessed violation of £16.6 (€19.35) million. This included the impact of its two consecutive PSR charges. Upon analysing these, the commission declared the suitable sanction to be an immediate two-point deduction.”

The independent commission stressed that any PSR violation is of substantial concern and certainly merits, indeed necessitates, a sporting sanction.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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