EU Concerned: Iran Supplying Russia

The European Union voiced concerns on Monday, citing “reliable intelligence” indicating that Iran has dispatched ballistic missiles to Russia, intended for deployment in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. The EU’s representative, Peter Stano, conveyed this alarming development in a statement, while Ukraine pushed the United States and additional partners to authorise utilisation of western-furnished artillery to strike weapon arsenals and other strategic military sites within Russian territory.

Stano highlighted that such actions by Iran, if substantiated, would symbolise a significant intensification of its backing for Russia’s unlawful and aggressive warfare in Ukraine. Meanwhile, US media sources have suggested that short-range ballistic missiles have been transported to Moscow from Tehran, prompting warnings to allies of a potential severe intensification in Iran’s endorsement for Russia’s hostilities against Ukraine, as articulated by US national security spokesperson Sean Savett.

Despite Iranian authorities dismissing the assertions, Russia’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov did not entirely refute it on Monday, while applauding the thriving relationship between Moscow and Tehran, which has facilitated the provision of numerous “Shahed” drones to Russia, designed for assaults on Ukraine. Peskov maintained the non-confirmation of Tehran’s provision of ballistic missiles to Russia, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, remarking that such information does not invariably match with actuality.

Kyiv has exploited western-provided missiles and other weaponry to strike at Russian airbases, headquarters, weapons reserves, air defence complexes, and other crucial targets in occupied Ukrainian regions and along the Russian borderline. However, the US and other allies have resisted granting approval for deeper strikes within Russia, invoking trepidation of potential “escalation”. Andriy Yermak, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s chief of staff, argued that states providing weapons to terror groups and terrorist-supporting countries should face punitive action.

In retaliation to Russia’s procurement of ballistic missiles, it has been suggested that Ukraine be authorised to obliterate missile storage facilities with the aid of Western weaponry in order to preclude acts of terror. Democratic societies need to counter the oppression of autocracies, arguing that a defensive strike against Russia, a known player in state terrorism, doesn’t necessarily constitute escalation.

After repeated instances of Russian bombardment over the weekend, Ukraine’s Energy Department reported extensive damage to infrastructure across seven Ukrainian provinces, resulting in power interruptions for upwards of 250,000 patrons. With an already frail power network, there are growing apprehensions in Ukraine of struggling with power demand as autumn and winter approach, which could expose millions to prolonged power outages during the chilling and darkest months.

The Ukranian defence forces reportedly neutralised six out of eight Russian assault drones and a pair of out of three cruise missiles launched in the wee hours of Monday by Russia. The remaining projectiles did not reach their intended destinations. Officials confirm that a Russian bombardment on the border town of Nikopol resulted in the death of a girl aged 16 and left three others injured on Monday. Furthermore, attacks in the past day across several regions have led to the death of no less than seven civilians and injuries to in excess of 30.

Latvia reported a crashed drone within its borders last Saturday, which was identified as a Shahed-type weapon loaded with explosives. The drone is believed to have originated from Belarus, a known associate of Kremlin, and crossed over into NATO territory. Similarly, Romania flagged a Russian drone incursion near its Ukraine borderline on Sunday.

Members of the European Union and NATO assert that their governmental systems are prime targets for Russian cyber-attacks. Security officials across Germany and Poland on Monday accused Moscow-aligned agents for recent cyber threats.

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