Emerging Colleges for Veterinary Studies

Dear Sir,

The Taoiseach’s recent proposal of receiving the Cabinet’s nod for the establishment of two new veterinary schools has sparked concern amongst students, the veterinary workers and their animal patients. Small-scale, low-tier institutions, which unnecessarily overuse resources through duplicating staff, facilities and curriculum outlines, are not suitable for our current needs.

The over-supply issue of veterinary graduates, pinpointed and detailed by our group in 2022, calls for the creation of an institution at the international level with a large student intake, much like the University of Limerick (UL). The latter however, withdrew its initiative to launch the first new vet school in the state, a move we deeply regret due to the lost chance for both Limerick and the midwestern region.

Although we acknowledge that UL has faced serious leadership issues, particularly with a lack of supervision in spending public funds for property acquisition in Limerick area, the university’s academic credentials and researcher programmes are inarguably strong. Confusing such management problems with the university’s capacity to launch an eminent vet medical school may risk the credibility of Ireland’s tertiary education.

We therefore advocate that following the retraction of UL from the proposal, there should be a temporary halt on the HEA programme that intended to add more spaces for vet education. Independent, globally recognised vet education profession should be conscripted who could, even at this late stage, provide recommendations for the Government to prevent the foreseeable issues that may stem from the choice of unsuitable locations.

Our Veterinary Working Group holds the view that basing any fresh vet schools in unranked sites could create a significant financial liability.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Fleming, Fergal Hennessy, James Quinn, James Murphy
On behalf of the Veterinary Working Group for Reform in Irish Veterinary Education,
Located in Kilshanny,
Co Clare.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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