“Elderly Swimmer Drowns After Heart Attack”

The inquest into the seaside tragedy at Killiney Beach in the southern Dublin district held statements about the 81-year-old victim, Niall O’Donoghue. Recognised as a committed swimmer, who swam throughout the year at that beach, Niall’s body was found face down in the water, quite near to the shoreline, in May 2022.

His son, Philip O’Donoghue, shared that his father had made a recording just before he went into the sea that showed an unoccupied beach. Family members added the sea appeared placid and resembled glass during that morning.

Mr O’Donoghue had previously experienced a heart attack half a year before his untimely death. However, his daughter, Emma, stated that he had determinedly regained his health. It was known that he participated in regular exercise routines such as weightlifting, running and swimming.

The inquest heard that Mr O’Donoghue had remained healthy throughout his life. Authorities had to postpone the Dublin District Coroner’s Court hearing on Tuesday for a few hours as the one individual scheduled to provide her testimony failed to appear.

The account of Garda Dean Gahan from the Shankill Garda station, who responded to the emergency situation, revealed that a police patrol vehicle had gone to the residence of the absentee witness to no avail.

Another local swim club acquaintance, Bridget McCaul, had initially discovered Mr O’Donoghue in the water and summoned emergency services after noting his lack of response. The Gardaí, coastal guards and paramedics were able to restore circulation partially through CPR. However, their attempts were not sufficient to normalise his heart rhythm and upon his arrival at St Vincent’s emergency department via ambulance, his heart had ceased its function. He was declared no more shortly after.

The autopsy revealed fluid in his lungs and up to 90 per cent narrowing of his left coronary artery, and these factors were acknowledged as contributing to a possibility of cardiac arrest, according to information presented during the inquest. In determining the cause of death, Dr Gallagher cited drowning as a result of ischemic heart disease triggered by a cardiac event. She further classified the death as accidental.

She expressed her belief that his death was not due to inadequate swimming skills or being in water over his head. Instead, she highlighted that the cardiac incident could have resulted in death under different conditions, but in this instance, he was in water and consequently drowned.

Dr Gallagher noted that despite experiencing a cardiac arrest in 2021, he reportedly maintained a highly active lifestyle and was in overall good health until the age of 81. She remarked that his heart ailment did not hinder him from pursuing life as he wished.
