Eating on the road: guide to Italian highways

If you’re looking for some stop offs while on the road in Italy, we’ve got some news which means you won’t have to stop at every Autogrill for overpriced sandwiches or potato chips.
A must-have for your glove box are the guides Fuoricasello and Fuoricasello scoprisapori (Outside the tolls, and Outside the tolls taste discovery).

For 20 euros each (arguably 20 euros well spent), the first includes 373 places from Aosta to Cagliari where you can eat, only five minutes from a highway.
The second guide indicates 701 locations where you get speciality dishes only 15 minutes from the highway.
I reckon the latter is great for the back-road explorer taking it easy who wants to discover some local enogastronomy, while the first is for who needs to get somewhere in a short time, but wants to eat well.
I’d love to know how they put this together, but the idea comes from Giovanni, Osvaldo and Paola Longo, who describe themselves as “selectors”.
Writing on their site, they say: “We Longos, by nature and by profession are selectors, and we thought about collecting all this “word spreading” in one guide.

We don’t give votes, we don’t invent classifications, and we don’t judge anyone.
We found ourselves with a few directions for a “tasty” stop and from the idea of getting other friends, acquantainces and customers to participate, was born.
”And so we’ve discovered that the highway network is actually a myriad of traditions and tastes that people thought were lost.
From Aosta in the north, to Taormina, and not leaving out Sardinia, the guides offer stops for all tastes and budgets.
