“€16m Cannabis Seized at Rosslare Port”

In an operation at Rosslare Europort, Gardaí and Revenue officials seized cannabis amounting to over €16 million. Seized on Saturday, the haul included approximately 783kg of herbal cannabis and 70kg of cannabis resin, located using a combination of a detector dog and Revenue’s X-ray scanner. The illicit substances were found in an unescorted freight unit that had been removed from a Bilbao, Spain ferry, following a joint search by Revenue officials and gardaí. Confirmation of the exact nature of the drugs now rests with Forensic Science Ireland.

To date, no arrests have been made in relation to this significant seizure, but investigations are ongoing. This initiative forms part of the larger operations conducted by Revenue, orchestrated to combat organised crime syndicates and halt the influx and trade of illegal substances.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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