Dublin Quays Property Disturbance: One Arrested

A man in his forties was apprehended under public order regulation by the gardaí after a disorderly incident occurred at a property on Ormond Quay in the heart of Dublin on Friday evening. The unrest seemingly stemmed from an disagreement over tenancy rights within the building between two factions, whereby one group intruded the property forcefully.

A major garda operation was set into motion that included team members from both the Armed Response Unit and the Public Order Unit. Several men were intercepted and frisked within the property. Support services, including ambulances and fire engines linked to the Dublin Fire Brigade, made their presence known at the location.

The Garda Press Office released a statement on the Saturday following the incident, mentioning that a number of objects of evidential significance were gathered from the scene. The clash resulted in several of the windows of the Georgian property being shattered; damage to the building’s front doorway was also observed.

The apprehended man was later discharged from police custody free of charges, according to a representative of the gardaí. Inquiries linked to the episode continue at the Store Street Garda Station.

The incident caused the Ormond Quay area to be temporarily inaccessible to vehicular traffic, which recommenced early on the following Saturday morning.
