“Dublin Anti-Abortion Rally Calls for Taskforce”

Over 10,000 abortions logged in the previous year were described by Carol Nolan, an independent TD for Laois-Offaly, as a “disgrace to the nation”. Speaking at the yearly Rally for Life in Dublin, she pointed to recent data from the Department of Health, highlighting the sharp rise in the incidence of abortions – from 8,156 in 2022 to 10,033 in 2023.

Labelling this surge as “a disgrace to the nation, an absolute disgrace”, Nolan proposed the creation of a dedicated taskforce to combat the escalating abortion rates.

Niamh Uí Bhriain, the Life Institute’s creator, reassured the rally that despite the defeat in the 2018 abortion referendum, the people against abortion are numerous and steadily increasing.

She remarked on a significant event in March when there was a major backlash against the government’s attempt to eliminate the word ‘mother’ from the Constitution. This received the highest ‘No’ vote in state history at 74%, despite prevailing media narrative, political hierarchy, and radically disconnected non-governmental organisations all expecting the referendum to pass with ease.

The rally was followed by a march from Parnell Square, down O’Connell Street, featuring participants of all age groups. Marchers held anti-abortion placards, religious symbols, and banners for Aontú and the National Party. A group of demonstrators even waved the Brazilian flag.

As the march moved past the GPO, occupying nearly the length of O’Connell Street, a few counter-protesters – predominantly young females affiliated with either People Before Profit, the Rosa socialist feminist association, or groups supporting Trans and Intersex Pride – raised opposing slogans. Garda public order unit members acted as a buffer between the marchers on the road and the counter-protesters located on the median area. This group consisted of four individuals adorning black robes with exposed chests.

In June, the fifth yearly review on the Health (Regulation of Termination in Pregnancy) Act 2018 was made public. It documented that most of the 10,033 terminations conducted last year took place in the early stages of pregnancy. The report noted 21 terminations were performed due to hazards to the mother’s life or health, seven in response to emergency risks, and 129 as a result of fatal foetal abnormalities. The debate over whether the compulsory three-day waiting period for abortion should be abolished is ongoing, featuring prominent figures such as Dr Mary Favier and Eilís Mulroy as active participants.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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