“Donohoe Avoids Haggle, Respects Shopkeepers’ Peace”

Later this week, the Government’s Mid-Year Expenditure Report will be released by Paschal Donohoe.

Would you consider yourself more of a spender or a saver?
When it involves books, my expenditures are essentially limitless. I find it impossible not to enter a bookstore when I walk by one. I occasionally indulge in minor luxuries – such as high-quality coffee or wine since life is too fleeting for the subpar versions – and I try to attend as many musical events as possible. Besides these, however, I lean more towards saving.

Do you make an effort to seek out better deals?
Not as frequently as I ought to. My time is immensely valuable, and I should dedicate more of it to hunt for better bargains.

What was the costliest item you ever bought and how much did you pay for it?
A leather-bound Ulysses edition was my most extravagant purchase, bought to commemorate completing the novel during the pandemic. It cost me several hundred euros. I see it every day on my bookshelf as a reminder of a challenging yet satisfying read and the hard times.

Which of your purchases do you believe provided the best value for money?
Noise-cancelling headphones, indispensable for travelling for work. Moreover, they aid me in writing book reviews!

Amid the Covid-19 restrictions, did you prefer to shop online or locally?
I prefer to shop locally, particularly when purchasing books, I always endeavour to buy directly from independent booksellers.

Do you ever negotiate prices?
I experience enough price negotiations during budgeting, so I choose not to disturb shopkeepers with this.

How did your spending habits change due to the Covid-19 pandemic and was there anything specific you stopped or began buying as a result?
To be honest, there was minimal alteration. I’ve never been a big online shopper and that remained the same during the pandemic.

Do you own any stocks?
Yes, I received stock when I was employed at Procter & Gamble. Products like washing powder and shampoo continue to be in demand.

Cash or card?

What was your most recent purchase and was it worth the money?
My most recent purchase was Stephen King’s latest collection of short stories, ‘You Like It Darker’. Having just finished reading it, I can state that it is invaluable.

Would you say you’ve effectively managed to accumulate savings for a considerably large expense? For instance, the initial payment for our own house, which we did some time back now. In terms of monetary loss, have you ever experienced it? Thankfully, I haven’t lost any money, although I am consistently misplaced house keys and earphones. As for gambling, do you practice it and have you ever made a substantial profit from it? I unequivocally don’t participate in gambling. I haven’t in the past and I don’t plan to in the future. Does money hold a significant value for you? It carries importance only to the extent that it enables me to provide for my family, however, it doesn’t control me. What’s the amount of cash you are currently carrying? I generally carry approximately 15 euros in my wallet, but today, it appears you’ve caught me on a particularly sufficient day – I currently have 55 euros.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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