Donald Trump makes first public appearance after loss

Trump has made his first official public appearance by visiting the Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day.

After losing the presidential election, Donald Trump has refused to accept Biden as a winner making claims of ‘voter fraud’. On Veterans Day, he visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery with his wife Melania as well as Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence.

Trump’s first appearance after loss

After Joe Biden won the presidential election, Donald Trump has been putting all his efforts into a legal fight against the ‘fraud’ as he called it, denouncing ‘a massive ballot-counting abuse’. Trump even refused to share intelligence briefings and the legal fight he put on has been a topic of discussion worldwide.

He made the first official public appearance on Veterans Day, joined by Melania and Vice President Pence. They visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremony was held in heavy rain and he has made no further comments. After his political loss, Trump has been announcing baseless claims of voter fraud on Twitter and even sacked defence secretary Mark Esper. The new defence secretary Christopher Miller also joined him in the during the Veterans Day ceremony.

Democratic president-elect Joe Biden called Trump’s legal moves against his win an ‘embarrassment’. His refusal to acknowledge the election results are in fact making the transition process more difficult for the president-elect. By refusing to recognise Biden as a winner of the election, the administration cannot free up money for the transition and Biden’s team is unable to put in place other transition processes at agencies.


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