Devoting excessive hours to digital displays

Dear Sir,

I pen this out of concern for the overuse of digital screens by people. This habit is detrimental not only to our physical wellbeing, but also affects our mental health. Studies indicate that prolonged exposure to screens can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as eye strain, headaches, and feelings of sadness and anxiety.

To address this issue, it is necessary to educate people on healthier screen usage habits, and to implement guidelines to reduce screen time. Key figures, such as parents, educators, and leaders, have a role to play in propagating this information and coming up with solutions to curb screen time, particularly among children. Should we act promptly to this issue and find alternative ways to engage ourselves rather than being constantly hooked to screens, we might promote better health and happiness. It’s crucial that action is taken speedily to safeguard everyone’s health.

Additionally, excessive use of screens can give rise to other complications such as sleep deprivation and concentration difficulties. Activities that are screen-free, for instance outdoor games or reading, should be identified and encouraged. This approach can not only enhance our health, but also facilitate more quality time with our loved ones, thereby contributing to overall happiness. Let’s all assume joint responsibility in resolving this.

I appreciate you taking the time to peruse this. Your faithfully,
Jakub Marcak (14),
Schull Community College,
Co. Cork.

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