Debate Between Harris and Trump

Dear Reader,

The aftermath of the Harris-Trump debate continues to unfold, and it has offered some interesting and insightful moments. Ms Harris exuded calm, articulating her policy-oriented approach in a cogent manner, successfully steering clear of the quintessential traps. On the other hand, Mr Trump drew on his characteristic blend of assertiveness and flamboyance, which likely invigorated his followers. Though Ms Harris decidedly outperformed in terms of substance – precisely tackling pivotal subjects, Mr Trump’s knack for drama and his command over the platform ensured he remained a significant force. The debate underscored the striking distinction between a reality-show style politics and a leadership centred on policy. It eventually came down to this: is stability and cogent policy given the precedence, or do magnetism and audaciousness still hold supremacy?

Kind regards,

Enda Cullen,

Written by Staff

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