Daughters’ Generation Consume More

The What a Woman podcast has recently seen the likes of Victoria Mary Clarke, Deirdre O’Kane, and Nina Carberry as guests.

Your monetary habits – Are you more inclined to save or spend?
Although I previously tended to be more of a saver, my propensity to spend has increased recently, particularly since the growth of my three daughters. This is partially due to the domination of social media and brand trends amongst their generation, which has stimulated their consumer behaviour.

Do you seek better value by comparing prices?
In my past profession as an investment manager, securing the best return for our clients was my priority, while ensuring attractive stocks didn’t compromise the quality of the business. Being a research enthusiast, I frequent comparison websites and examine different options, however, this sometimes leads me to delay decisions.

What has been your most indulgent purchase to date and its cost?
In the last few years, we’ve undertaken two home renovations. Some purchases felt lavish at the time – like underfloor heating, bifold doors, and a quality kitchen countertop – but once the project was completed, these investments were well justified.

What spending of yours offered the best value for money?
Since relocating from London to Kerry, living near the beach has stirred a passion for sea swimming in me. Consequently, I purchased a Dryrobe and given Ireland’s less than ideal summers over the last few years, it’s constantly in use.

Do you engage in price negotiation?
I was never comfortable engaging in price negotiations before, so much so that I would consciously avoid places like market stalls where bargaining was the norm. However, since becoming a parent and needing to purchase duplicates of items, I have become quite adept at negotiating for the best prices.

How did your shopping habits change due to Covid-19?
Can you identify a particular product that you stopped or initiated buying as a result of the pandemic?

I’ve realised that I don’t need work attire as much and cut back on purchasing such clothing. However, I’ve had to invest in hair dye as I’ve started spotting strands of grey amidst the pandemic, which made regular salon visits a challenge.

Do you participate in the stock market?
Being well-versed in managing wealth, I’ve always understood the value of equity investments for sustained growth. I capitalise on my awareness of proficient fund managers who are skilled at selecting superior stocks, and I place my investments with them.

Do you have a pension scheme or some provision for retirement?
I’ve been contributing towards a pension scheme for over two decades ever since I embarked on my career. Leveraging my expertise in finance, I was able to oversee this actively and focus on areas of larger growth potential over a longer timeframe, such as emerging markets. This strategy has proven successful over the years.

What’s the most recent purchase you’ve made, and was it worth it?
Our latest family vacation to southern France could probably be the answer. We customised it instead of opting for a pre-packaged deal, which helped us save substantially while providing us liberty to do as we pleased. We chose an off-peak travel period and a more distant airport to halve our flight costs. Hiring a car allowed us to procure food from less expensive sources off-site. An added bonus was that we got to explore the picturesque small towns and vineyards of Provence, which were the highlight of our trip.

Have you ever managed to save enough for a significant purchase?
We had saved for several years to buy our first family house, which was intended to be bigger in anticipation of it being our permanent dwelling. However, our plans changed when we subsequently moved to Ireland due to my husband’s job, which actually helped us secure a charming family house in Kerry.

Have you ever suffered a financial loss?
During my tenure as an investment manager, there were bound to be times when investments didn’t yield expected returns, particularly during major market upheavals like the 2008 economic crisis and the recent coronavirus pandemic, which were understandably nerve-wracking.

Do you engage in gambling and, if so, have you scored a big win?

As a former asset manager, protecting the substantial funds of clients was my priority, fearfully avoiding any form of gambling or playing with finances. The notion of even participating in a lottery never attracted me, as I believe that immense wealth might result in more complications than joy.

Do material possessions hold any value to you?
My main objective is to assure a good standard of living for my loved ones, the pursuit of wealth for its own sake holds no attraction for me. I am not particularly directed by material desires. The feeling of personal achievement resonates with me more than financial affluence.

How much cash do you carry with you?
Approximately €8 in change. My daughters’ athletic clubs require a minor sum each week, and I used to be perpetually short, causing significant annoyance. These days, I strive to always keep it on hand.
