Darius the world’s biggest rabbit, stolen

Darius could require a £500 appearance fee at functions and festivals. Annette is giving a £1,000 reward for his return.

Breeder Annette Edwards reported that she lost her rabbit. The bunny is a Continental Giant with 4ft 3in-long-named Darius. A ten-year-old bunny was snatched from a rear garden. Police are investigating this case with the world’s biggest rabbit was stolen.

Darius the world’s biggest rabbit: stolen

Annette said, “There are some very jealous people around. I have my suspicions about who is behind this. I’m afraid to say it must be someone with prior knowledge. The thieves came over a farm fence, unbolted Darius’s large kennel, and took him from his secure area.”


She also added that they move him between the kennel and a large summer house, to keep thieves speculating. But someone knew what they were doing. He was stolen to order.

A 69-years-old woman told that Darius is on a special diet and she is worried Darius won’t survive without it. She thought that the thieves won’t know how to look after him.

Darius could require a £500 appearance fee at functions and festivals. Annette is giving a £1,000 reward for his return.


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