Daniela Martani, the Italian air stewardess turned showgirl

Air stewardess Daniela Martani made headlines all over the country when Alitalia, Italy’s largest airline, risking bankruptcy, started to lay off its workers; she was snapped at Fiumicino Airport holding a noose and railing against the carrier! Her popularity got a boost and the pretty brunette together with Cristina Atomic Titten joined the Italian version of Big Brother but once again things were more complicated than they seemed and Miss Martani was fired by Alitalia (she was on a special leave of absence).

Then the girl took part in another tv show, but once again things did not work out well for her and she had to leave! Now it seems that she will host a new show on Rete 4 – getting her place in the sun at last? Here’s the photo gallery from GossipblogDaniela Martani

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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