Dani Pedrosa arrested for cheating??

You’ve got to be kidding me, this has to be some sort of late April’s fool joke by the Spanish press, even if April Fool’s Day for the Spanish is celebrated on December 28th and called el Día de los Santos Inocentes, because they are reporting that Dani Pedrosa was arrested and then released by the Guardia Civil for allegedly trying to cheat on his boating license test.

Reported by news agency “Europa Press” and “El Pais“, and supposedly confirmed by Paula Sánchez de León, a delegate of the Valencian Government, who stated that 21 people including Pedrosa, were indicted for having trying to cheat on the exam by using sophisticated electronic devices to obtain the right answers and the cost to get the answers was between 2000-2500 euros.
Obviously neither Pedrosa nor someone from his entourage was available for comment.

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