Dani Amatriain: “Jorge is like a son to me”

After Dani Amatriain’s arrest the other day and questioning in regards to death threats made towards his former clients, Jorge Lorenzo and the Espargaro brothers, Amatriain who was released after 24 hours wants to set the record straight and issued a press release to major Spanish news services.
Lorenzo’s former manager denies all the accusations and claims to love Jorge like his own child.

“It was terrible and painful to read such news, I’ve never threatened Jorge Lorenzo.
It’s intollerable, I would never be able to threaten Jorge, who is like a son to me.
I want to clear this situation as soon as possible and prove my innocence.
Amatriain also added that his split with his former clients was due to third parties, and names Genis Espargaro (father of Pol and Aleix) as one of these third parties and accusing him of being behind the attacks against his reputation.
The former manager’s position is difficult because besides being accused of threatening his former riders, he is also accused of violating a restraining order against his ex wife.

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