Cultivating Belief in Educational Settings

Dear Editor,

It appears Aoife Cassidy made a valid point in her letter on September 18th, advocating for religious instruction to be conducted outside the usual school schedule. She further proposed that in the meantime, schools could provide an alternative for children who wish to forgo such lessons.

However, it’s uncertain how quickly this shift will occur. One significant factor the religious bodies may be resistant to relinquishing their hold on educational institutions is the immense potential they bring in bolstering their membership.

Relaxing their control over the impressionable minds of the young generation seems like a challenge that will be met with fierce opposition.

Until comprehensive reform is achieved in our education system, we could work on what’s within our reach. We should consider discarding newly popularised phrases such as “faith formation”, and instead label it more accurately as indoctrination or quite possibly, brainwashing.

Yours faithfully,
John Mulligan,
Boyle, Co Roscommon.

Written by Staff

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