Culinary tours, food festivals and wine tasting in Italy

There are many culinary tours of Italy that you can do, to enjoy the traditional Italian products in different regions, and today we give you a few names of companies that might help in planning your Italy by taste itinerary.
Especially in terms of wine, Italy and Europe in general is behind in the open cellar door movement and tastings, although Italian wine benefits from various village tasting festivals.

Check out the Turismo del Vino site for news on where to go, where to stay and the various wine tasting in Italy events that are on.
Other organisations organising wine tasting tours are Nunc Est Bibendum, and if you’re interested in wine tasting in Rome and surrounds, see the Tasting Rome website.
While Italy is part of the old world wine culture, there is plenty of romance to be had in wine tasting in the country’s old cellars and tavernas.
You just have to have some front, a few connections and make yourself a calendar of Italy’s wine and food festivals – it’s well worth it.

Written by Unit

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