Covid, UK might not end third lockdown before March

As Britain runs fast with the vaccinations, there is uncertainty about the ending of the third national shutdown.

Britain may not end the third national lockdown due to Covid before March. Despite a fast vaccination campaign, UK is facing a terrible surge of cases.

Covid, lockdown may end in March

Rumors says that PM Boris Johnson could enact a third lockdown until Easter. Now Cabinet Office minister Micheal Gove declares there is no firm date for when to easen restrictions. Then, he added that a measures’ relaxation would happen when the most vunerables are all vaccinated.

“It’s important to stress that we want to progressively lift restrictions, but what we need to do is make sure as many people as possible are vaccinated.

“We will keep these constantly under review but you are absolutely right… we can’t predict with certainty that we will be able to lift restrictions in the week commencing February 15-22″.

Asked about the possibility of ending the lockdown in March, he replied. “I think it is right to say that as we enter March we should be able to lift some of these restrictions but not necessarily all”.

The shutdown comes as UK hospitals are facing unparalleled pressure, while Covid cases register new peak day after day. The blockade means all non-essential shops must be closed, as well as schools. However, educational institutes will remain open for key-workers’ children and the vulnerable.

Moreover, people must work from home as much as possible, except key-workers and those working in the construction sector.

Despite these bad news, the vaccination campaign is still proceeding briskly. In fact, yesterday, January 4th, it started the roll out of the Oxford-AstaZeneca vaccine. Until now, Britain got a million people vaccinated.
