The real Covid death toll is more than double hospital figure

A new analysis suggests that the real death toll in the UK is more than double the figure that experts expected.

A new analysis suggests that the real Covid death toll in the UK is more than 40,000. It is twice the total once described as “a good result”. Minister announced that there have been 17,337 death on Tuesday 21/4. However, this counts only those who have died in hospitals after tested positive for Covid-19.

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In the UK the real death toll for Covid is more than double hospital figure

Then the office for national statistics (ONS) has found the number of registered deaths in the week ending 10 April was 75 percent above normal in England and Wales. It is 18,516. Financial Times calculate the likely number of “excess deaths” since the Covid-19 struck the UK it could be as many as 41,000. Under 11,000 more people have died from Covid-19 in residential care or 24 percent of death normally happen in care homes, as the analysis suggests.

In April, Stephen Powis, the medical director at NHS England, said 20,000 Covid-19 deaths would be “a good result” when an Imperial College study predicted as few as 5,700. Excess deaths from all causes stand at 16,952 above the seasonal average across the UK since fatalities from Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, began to mount in mid-March. But, because of the lag in collating death registrations data, the ONS figures cover only the period to 10 April 10 are significantly out of date.

Assuming the relationship between hospital deaths and excess deaths has remained stable since the FT’s estimate of total deaths from the virus by April 21 is 41,102. They are made up of almost 38,000 deaths in England and Wales, just under 3,000 in Scotland and just below 500 in Northern Ireland. The 18,516 fatalities in the week to April 10 compares with the most recent five-year average of 10,520 for the same week of the year.

Written by Alice Sacchi

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