More than 13,000 Covid cases in London in a week

During the last week, more than 13.000 Covid cases were reported in London.

There have been more than 13,000 Covid cases in a week across London according to official statistics. Six of the ten boroughs with the highest Covid infection rates are now in west London.

Covid spreading across London

Two London boroughs have an infection rate of above 200 new cases per week per 100,000 population, while only one borough has a rate below 100. That is the reason why London went into Tier 2 restrictions. Ealing has the highest rate in London at 214.2 cases per 100,000 last week (up until October 22), a significant increase from 153.3 the week beforehand.

London went into Tier 2 on Saturday October 17. Additional restrictions are supposed to take a couple of weeks to have an impact, although whether they work at all is up for debate. London cases have risen from 9,643 to 13,001, and from a rate of 107.6 to 145, even if a massive increase in testing can account for at least part of that increase.

Wealthy boroughs have seen numbers rise greatly as students from their areas test positive at universities elsewhere, but their cases were counted locally as a result of a glitch, not the first one occurred during the counting. Despite cases falling elsewhere in the country, the figures for London do not follow this trend as nearly all boroughs saw large increases. Covid-related hospitalisations in London have risen above 100 a day. These figures are still much lower than those from the first wave. Deaths are much lower too.

Covid rates in London are still well below the many places in the north of England. The highest figure in England at the moment is Blackburn with Darwen in Lancashire. 1,131 new cases were reported, at a rate of 755.5 cases per 100,000 people . That said, some of the Tier 3 areas have seen falling numbers. Nottingham, which will go into Tier 3 of restrictions on Thursday, dropped from 726.6 to 464.4. Liverpool, where Tier 3 caused public order troubles, saw a fall from 620.0 to 520.2.

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