Coronavirus UK schools
Coronavirus, teachers have been told to prepare 'home-learning packs' for students. It may happens for expected month-long.
To prevent the Coronavirus spreads larger, teachers have been told to prepare ‘home-learning packs’ for students. It may happens for expected month-long. The nationwide Coronavirus closures could come into effect on March 20 – weeks before the traditional Easter break. Another plan is shortening the Easter break by a week and scrapping the May half-term.
One teacher said: “We have had guidance from our head of the academy who has been told to expect at least a week-long closure, possibly two. “If schools are closed from mid-March, it wouldn’t make sense to open them up again so close to Easter. We’re preparing for a month at home.
“The home-learning packs have to be all ready by this Friday, with the aim of sending them home with the kids the following Friday.” Another teacher at a school in the north of England said they had been ordered to get emergency plans underway. They told, “We have been told an extended Easter break is a very real possibility if the virus spread continues at the predicted rate.
“We are now preparing for that eventuality. But this will not mean two weeks’ extra holiday. “Schools in our local authority area – both primary and secondary – are drawing up plans for children to be given lessons at home. “This will come in the shape of material drawn up by staff in advance in the form of set work from the curriculum on paper and also online work.
“Schools are drawing up lists of all children who have access to the internet at home even if it is via a parent or guardian’s phone. “This is the best option as work can be submitted and marked by teachers also working from home. “We have also been told that schools will also undergo a deep clean to ensure there is no chance of any lingering traces of the virus”.