Coronavirus, UK’s lockdown: Boris Johnson’s rules clear who can still move

In an attempt to slow the spread of Coronavirus, Boris Johnson has ordered all families to stay at home but there are apologies in special circumstances.

Boris Johnson enact virus lockdown and to stay at home for everyone in an effort to slow Coronavirus to spread. He described that this crisis is national emergency and ordered families to stay at home but there are excuses in special circumstances.

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Coronavirus, UK’s lockdown: Boris Johnson’s rules

For make it this method work. Government will banned public gathering with more that two people and ask all non-essential shops to temporarily closed. He said that ‘no prime minister wants to enact measures like this’ but the drastic new measures allowing people to only leave home for the ‘very limited purposes’ were necessary to slow the spread of the disease.

He also added that if too many people become seriously unwell at one time, the NHS will be unable to handle it – meaning more people are likely to die, not just from Coronavirus but from other illnesses as well.

Who can still move

But you still can go out if:

  • shopping for basic necessities, as infrequently as possible;
  • one form of exercise a day – for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household;
  • any medical need, to provide care or to help a vulnerable person;
  • travelling to and from work, but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home.

Doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, social workers, care workers; producers and distributors of medicines and medical and personal protective equipment, nursery and teaching staff, social workers and specialist education professionals who must remain active to keep schools running, those involved in food producing, police and support staff, MoD workers, the armed forces, fire and rescue services, those maintaining border security, prison and probation staff and other national security roles, workers on air, water, road, and rail passenger modes, as well as air, water, road, and rail freight transport modes.

Also, staff needed for financial services like banks and stock markets; workers in the oil, gas, electricity and water sectors, the postal service, sewerage and telecoms. This method needs to do for three weeks initially – but the government’s own experts have suggested the situation could take up to a year to resolve.
