Coronavirus, the latest updates in the world

Coronavirus, the latest updates in the world are serious: 1372 deaths in Uk, 5000 in France and more in Italy and China; other measures will be taken.

Coronavirus, the latest updates in the world are very serious. In the UK, the most recent news is that Boris Johnson has decided to accept the greater transparency on coronavirus. It is because Britain itself has 1,372 infected and 35 people died. Nickie Aiken, Conservative MP, said he is “appalled” that shops are putting up the price of high-demand goods.

He has re-tweeted a photo of small bottles of antibacterial gel going for £10: “I urge them not to hike up prices on much-needed items. They may profit in the short term but long term shoppers will not forget and act accordingly.” To fight that, we have decided to write a guide on how to make surgical masks and antibacterial gel at home.

Coronavirus: the latest updates

While in other parts of the country, the French Government is expected to announce drastic new measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. There have been more than 5,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus which have so far resulted in 127 deaths.

UK cases rise up to 1,543 according to the Department of Health. And the first coronavirus death in Wales happen. “The patient, who had underlying health conditions, was 68 years old and was being treated at the Wrexham Maelor Hospital.” Also, because of this pandemic horse racing across the UK will go behind closed doors until the end of the month. Then Russia is rushing to build a hospital for coronavirus.

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said that Egypt will halt all air traffic from its airports starting Thursday until 31 March. Egypt will sanitize hotels during the closure, he said in a televised news conference. In add, tourists can currently stay in the country to complete their vacation. After not-so-good news, there is still good news ahead. The first Covid-19 case in Somalia, Tanzania, Benin, and Liberia is recovered.

Coronavirus: latest updates about the economic situation

For the economy, Australian stocks had the worst day ever. Australia’s benchmark stock index has suffered its worst single-day drop in history, writes Chris Baynes. The S&P/ASX 200 plunged 9.7 percent on Monday following a late sell-off. It’s lost A$162bn (£81m) in the fall, the worst since the index launched 20 years ago, and is now down 30 percent from 20 February.

Whilst Trading on the New York Stock Exchange was halted for 15 minutes after the Dow Jones fell 9.7 points and the S&P dropped 8 percent on opening on Monday morning.
