Coronavirus: Italy’s victims more than China’s

Coronavirus, doctors in Italy say that the victims have increased much more than in China. The dead jump from 475 to 3,405.

Recently, there is a terrifying footage inside Italy‘s crisis wards. It shows how Coronavirus patients struggling to breathe asthe doctors warn their best efforts not enough. The doctors said this because fatalities soared is higher than in China. The dead jump from 475 to 3,405. The footage located at Papa Giovanni XXII hospital in the crisis-hit area of Bergamo in Lombardy, with staff rushing through wards with beds full of patients in distress.

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Coronavirus: Italy’s victims more than China’s

Dr Lorenzo Grazioli, who works at the hospital but was previously based in Leicester said that he have never felt so stressed in his life. He add that he’s an intensivist, and he’s quite used to intense moments, and the choices, and people are critical and die without any treatment, and you make the difference. ‘But when you are at this point you realise that you are not enough. We are 100 anaesthetists, we are doing our best, but maybe it’s not enough.’ Italians have been told to stay indoors, shops closed except for grocery stores and pharmacies, schools and universities closed, and travel is restriction.

The governor of Lombardy, the worst-affected region which includes Bergamo, said doctors and nurses in the region’s hospitals were at their limits. He also add that he worried about the possibility they could succumb physically and psychologically because if they were to succumb, it would really be a disaster. Meanwhile at San Marco di Zingonia hospital in Bergamo, patients with Coronavirus are seen lying on beds which are crammed into the corridor of the intensive care unit.

Not only that, the cemetery can no longer cope with the death toll. Mortuaries, even crematorium staff have been handling 24 bodies a day. It includes non-virus deaths. According to the official data, the number of infected medics has risen by more than 1,500 just in the last eight days. The figure of 2,629 infected medical professionals means that nearly 0.3 per cent of Italy’s health workers have caught the disease – taking them out of service when they are desperately needed.

Written by Alice Sacchi

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