Coriano inaugurates Marco Simoncelli memorial and exhibition

Yesterday may have been a holiday in Italy and despite the freezing temperatures and an overnight snowfall, hundreds of fans still turned up in the small town of Coriano to see the inveiling of the memorial and be the first to see the exhibition dedicated to the late and still very much missed Marco Simoncelli.

The day was dedicated to Simoncelli and began with the unveiling of “Il podio del Sic” (Sic’s podium) that is represented by three blocks of white marble that are now permanently located on the left side of the church – near the steps where his funeral was held – with a glass plaque that has written on it: “Mi piacerebbe essere ricordato come uno che in gara sapeva emozionare.
” (I’d like to be remembered as someone who knew how to give emotions when racing) The “History of Sic” exhibition with its white walls and red leather striped inserts is located on the first floor of the Palace of Culture and divided into themes: with the display of his racing career including fifteen helmets, twelve racing leather suits and the #58 Gilera that he won the 2008 250cc World Championship, minimotos, go-karts, even his podium champagne bottles, but the display also includes photos and momentos of his private life and in one of the rooms is made out to be an exact replica of his San Carlo Honda Gresini Team pit box and there are also maxiscreens with racing highlights from his career.

An emotional Paolo Simoncelli said, “It’s nice thought by the people of Coriano, the town and all those who contributed to this and we’re happy as a family.
It’s the least we could do, he has given so much, I think Coriano owed it to him.
In this museum there is Marco’s lifetime from the beginning to end.
Everyone will look at it with his own eyes and his thoughts.
My thoughts? I’d rather keep them to myself.
” Photo source ansa.

Written by Unit

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