Coolock Unrest: Garda Car Fire, 15 Arrested

Authorities have apprehended no less than 15 individuals amidst confrontations with protestors opposing immigration at a location intended for asylum seekers in Coolock, North Dublin. On Monday evening, demonstrator activity escalated resulting in a Garda vehicle being set ablaze and two buses of Dublin’s public transport under seige. Owing to this, Garda have stepped up their security around the station, in an attempt to prevent further damage to vehicles stationed there.

In relation to the chaos, 15 individuals are set to face the Criminal Courts of Justice in Dublin, following a special session on Monday night, held in response of the incidents. The skirmishes occurred in the aftermath of several fires starting at a provisional camp in the early hours of Monday morning. This camp was set up by protestors, who were unhappy with a vacant warehouse being repurposed to shelter immigrants.

As Monday progressed, hundreds more joined the predominantly young male crowd, which had started to convene around lunchtime near the once Crown Paints Warehouse on the Malahide Road. Nearly 200 Garda officers have been stationed in Coolock all day, bolstered by a sizeable public order unit equipped with riot shields.

Close to 30 Garda vehicles are spread across the road, which is currently sealed off between its junction with Oscar Traynor Road and the Darndale roundabout, after the outbreak of fires. Over the course of several hours, frontline Garda officers had to fend off protesters who pelted rocks and other objects at them, with the assistance of pepper spray. They apprehended at least a dozen individuals during the tumult, prompting many local enterprises to shut their doors. There were also reports of damage to Garda vehicles. As of now, Garda officers are still present at the scene.

Owing to the turmoil, Malahide Road at Coolock remains non-operational in both directions, with local detours in effect. The authorities aim to restore the original traffic flow on Malahide Road as swiftly and safely as possible, and this operation is currently underway.

A large gathering, involving individuals identified as far-right instigators not local to the county, convened around 6pm in Coolock. The mass of individuals grew so great and chaotic particularly near the barrier dividing Malahide Road and Greencastle Road, that a fraction of the protesters departed and commenced onto Coolock Garda Station, starting to jump on police vehicles.

Twice, the masses encompassed local Dublin buses, but the gardaí successfully broadened the territory of the crowd. By the day’s end, an entire segment of the industrial area had been sealed off, including the precincts of the Odeon cinema, Power City, and a Burger King outlet.

A protest camp, previously set up on private land adjacent to the warehouse as a means to prevent workers from restoring the property, had been established months before. Allegedly, there were attempts to take down the camp on Monday morning, triggering skirmishes between gardaí and protesters.

A fire broke out at the site, initiating destruction on a mechanical excavator utilized for site development and subsequently spreading to surrounding terrains. The Dublin Fire Brigade eventually managed the blaze, with the cause of the fire currently under investigation.

Unconfirmed reports state at least one person – thought to be a security guard employed at the site – suffered injuries. Eyewitness footage revealed a man clad in a tracksuit assaulting another individual in high-visibility clothing. Additional footage shows medical staff transporting a person to an ambulance via a stretcher.

Social media videos showcased protestors berating gardaí and a minor group of men, assumed to be asylum seekers outside the camp. Other videos displayed a multitude of emergency service vehicles positioned at the scene and barriers obstructing the road.

According to Dublin Fire Brigade, construction apparatus and pallets were ignited and multiple fire engines from various stations attended the location, as well as a turntable ladder.

Taoiseach Simon Harris condemned the shocking scenes witnessed in Coolock stating, “Today’s incidents in Coolock are unacceptable. He added, “The Minister of Justice has informed me repeatedly during the day, and the enforcement of the law will continue. No individual is entitled to demolish automobiles, vandalise property or assault the police force or emergency workers. Acts of this nature are felonious, incite fear and discord, and should not be recognized as a legitimate ‘protest’ by any means.”

“I would like to express my gratitude towards An Garda Sichana, who demonstrated remarkable professionalism in the face of the onslaught they experienced today,” the quote began. “An unsuspecting security guard was assaulted whilst carrying out his duty. My thoughts are with him and his family, and I wish him a swift recovery.”

The incidents of violence in Coolock were described as “appalling” by Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee. “Such brute and criminal acts have no place in our society. I have been kept abreast of the situation throughout the day by the Garda Commissioner, who has assured me of his commitment to ensure those at fault will face justice.”

The acts of violence and arson are significant and detestable crimes. There’s a determination to thoroughly investigate these crimes and hold those implicated in their commission to account. “This is in no means a form of protest. The barbaric actions we’ve seen today in no way reflect the character of the respectable communities in Coolock and its vicinity. To manage the situation and stand with the community, Gardaí will continue to offer support.”

The Department of Integration’s representative stated that the commencement of refurbishment works at the site, which will be repurposed for asylum seekers, was targeted for Monday, but no accommodation move was scheduled for that day. The site’s accessibility has been an issue for several months due to protests. The department takes a strong stance against intimidation and criminal acts directed towards providers and their staff.

The department has previously signaled plans to utilise the site as shelter space for approximately 550 individuals — encompassing families, couples, and single adults of both genders — in prefabricated units. Local representatives in Coolock have been engaged in discussions about the site with the department’s Community Engagement Team.

Efforts are ongoing across Ireland to make arrangements for the accommodation of asylum seekers. “This involves a new Government Comprehensive Accommodation Strategy, prioritising larger sites on state-owned lands with prefab and modular setups, commercial buildings conversions, and buying ‘ready-to-live-in’ properties,” the department’s representative added.

Witnesses at the location reported that gardaí had descended upon the encampment around 3 am, cleared barricades, and disassembled tents. The subsequent ignition of the excavator was a result of this disruption, according to several women on the scene.

A lady, residing in a family nucleus in proximate distance from the proposed location, expressed her concerns on the safety of her children should the place house male refugees. During a gathering at the location, a man only known as “Colm”, leading the crowd through a megaphone, suggested the decision to use that specific area to accommodate asylum seekers was part of a conspiracy to reduce the population of native Irish residents. He scornfully referred to immigrants as “beasts”, encouraging the crowd to chant “traitors”, although he requested that they cease pelting cans and other objects at the police officers.

Written by Staff

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