Colin Edwards one man show at Silverstone (w/videos)

When Colin Edwards busted his collarbone during Friday practice at Catalunya, he just wanted to go home to his wife and three kids, but then changed his mind and wanted to try to race at Silverstone and it was the right decision, because he scored a third place podium on the treacherous conditions of the British circuit.

After qualifying eighth on Saturday, Edwards took to the stage and gave one of his highly entertaining, no holds barred performances for British fans and thankfully some kind souls decided to post the videos on Youtube for everyone who wasn’t there to enjoy.
One of Edwards statements got him into hot water with his wife that he explained with: “Honey, I’m a comedian.
I was just looking for a laugh, if you know what I’m saying.
I had no aspirations to do anything I was saying.
It was just cracking a joke.
” Check out the second video which is more complete and Jorge Lorenzo’s reply after the jump.

Written by Unit

Video: Marco Melandri testing in Portimao

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